The robatherm magazine.

Nothing is more prevalent nowadays than the call to act ecologically sustainable and in doing so we must also take responsability for future generations. In this magazine edition, we want to highlight this future task using specific examples.
You will learn why our first sustainability report marks the first step towards becoming a green company, what contribution an ambitious Life Cycle Assessment makes to this, and how this claim affects our trade fair presence.
A CO2-free production building, a pharmaceutical company wanting to raise its packaging area to a new level in terms of hygiene and efficiency, and a new production building simply impressive in its dimensions. Specific construction projects demonstrate how robatherm solutions make advanced new buildings efficient and sustainable.
With the development of the U15 Filter Wall, a summertime recap of the first robatherm Family Day, and insight into our training program, we have brought you even more captivating information about robatherm and how we are trying to shape the future.

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